Monday, April 13, 2015


I've put a few process things up on Behance. I really like the format of the site. The more views I get there, the more likely someone who wants to give me a job will see it. So help a guy out!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Improvement through Hardwork

We had to make a postcard to send out to potential employers as a requirement for our marketing class. I really wanted to redo this piece that I did for a "figure in motion" project almost exactly a year ago. And the results are pretty nice.

This was the original piece. It's not awful, but it's definitely student level work. The motion is there, the composition could be worse, and I really did like the teeth and tongue on the bottom (as a sketch).

 But there are some obvious issues here. Her anatomy really wasn't figured out, the drawing is sloppy, and that yellow spaghetti mess was supposed to be a lightning bolt. But I really did like the drawing, and I knew I could do it better now.

I changed some obvious things like the outfit and the sword, and the colors are WAY more saturated, but that's mostly how I work now. This is a huge improvement from the original, and it took me probably half the the time. 

This is really attributed to the fact that from the time I did the original to now, I really haven't stopped working on my stuff. Over the summer, after junior year, I really didn't think my work was going to be at a senior level. I felt like I was going to fall behind the rest of my class, so I spent a lot of time watching tutorials and drawing all the time.

For the last 3 months I've been working on my thesis. Basically drawing, inking, and coloring every single day. I've learned a lot in a short time, and I attribute that to the fact that I've been working hard and always pushing myself to make things better and better. There's no easy way around getting better, besides just working at it everyday.